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Peter Gladwin Primary School

Dream | Believe | Achieve


Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page. Below you can find out about what we have been learning in class as well as links to home learning activities.



Welcome back to a new term and a new topic. This term our topic is 'Into the Unknown'. We shall set sail aboard the Endurance with Sir Ernest Shackleton and his 27-man crew and witness one of the most extraordinary survival stories of all time we will discover more about what life is like on this inhospitable continent.

Please click on the pictures below for the Topic Web, Home Learning grid and Knowledge Organiser.


                                                                               Topic Web                          Home Learning Grid                     Knowledge Organiser

Don't forget to keep playing games on TTRockstars to help with times tables. Please ask for a reminder if you have forgotten your log in details.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Home Learning - Maths                             Image result for maths

 All home learning is now on Google Classroom

Home Learning - English                           Image result for english

All home learning is now on Google Classroom